Michael Melling StratOak Your News Direct

Our Approach.

Our Difference.

Our 5-Step Process

1. Discovery & Planning

We gain a deep understanding of your business, your needs, your target audience and stakeholders.  We bring initial ideas for service concepts, risk assessments, and budget.

2. Strategic Recommendations

Bespoke recommendations tailored for your business and budget.  This includes any recommendations regarding technical infrastructure (internal and/or external).

3. Action Plan & Timing

A detailed implementation plan, which includes any technical build, training, and workflow requirements.

4. Execution

We work directly with your team to create the content you need.  Monthly packages include on-going strategic/crisis communications support + media training services.

5. Assessment of Plan

As partners, we work together to assess the process and outcomes to ensure your needs are being met, and if needed, we adjust accordingly.

Fast, cost-effective results that count


Ensure your story gets covered and shared directly with your stakeholders on the platform they want.


Respond quickly and with context to any issue.


Content is shareable on all social media platforms, websites, and other services.


Resource strapped traditional news organizations can also access your content for inclusion in their news coverage, further amplifying your message.

Potential Use Cases


Your News Direct Advantages

Michael Melling StratOak Your News Direct

Seasoned advice from a team of experienced journalists and storytellers.

Michael Melling StratOak Your News Direct

Less expensive than building a full in-house solution.

Michael Melling StratOak Your News Direct

Content produced "at the speed of news".

Michael Melling StratOak Your News Direct

Access to strategic & crisis communications advice and media training services as part of monthly partnership packages.

Contact us for a call about how we can help you get your point across!

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